Welcome to NODR

Dear participants of NODR 2023,

It is our pleasure to announce that the International Conference on Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes Research (NODR-2023) will be held in London, UK from 27–28 November, 2023.

We warmly welcome you to NODR-2023. Conference Venue: Radisson RED London Heathrow

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were considered overweight and more than 650 million were classified as obese. These statistics affect individuals of all genders, ages, nationalities and socioeconomic backgrounds.

NODR offers researchers a platform for sharing the results of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in nutrition sciences, obesity and .

We hope this meeting may provide an exceptional opportunity for scientists, clinicians, young researchers, allied healthcare professionals, nurse, pharmacist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech pathologist, prosthetist, caregiver, medical social worker, clinical psychologist, nutritionist, clinical technologist, radiological technologist, clinical engineer, care manage, and talented individuals from around the world.

We highly appreciate your attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you in London.

Thanks and regards,

Organizing Committee

Publication Opportunities

All accepted abstracts for International Conference on Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes Research (NODR-2023) will be published in Japan Journal of Medicine (Online ISSN-2516-7103) with a permanent DOI number. JJM is an open access peer reviewed journal published in English language.

Suggestions to avoid mistakes

  • Explore the conference platform
  • Practice the talk before presentations.
  • Don’t present the talks with stress.
  • Don’t Burn yourself out.
  • Don’t miss out the opportunity to build new connections.
  • Do not start telling overly personal stories in professional meetings.
  • Keep in mind that you may speak with a potential future advisor or employer.
  • Miss the early bird deadline.
  • Write your abstract at the last minute.